Ordering Process
How it works, getting your bespoke pet's replica:
1: Choose your products: cat in a frame or dog in a frame. 2 dogs in a frame
2: I will contact you for the photos when your order is placed.
(please check here to know what kind of photos we want from you)
3: You will need to send me 5 to 10 colour photos of your pet.
We can discuss about colours too.
4: Delivery will take 2-3 weeks after submitting photos from you.
If you have not received an Email from me in 2 days after you payment, please contact me via [email protected]
You can also contact me via Instagram Direct Message
( *Please write the name that appears on your bank card and your pet’s breed and pet's name when you give me your pet's photos.)
If you have any questions or any request, please feel free to contact me even before ordering.
I will be very happy to help you.